The GLEI Inc. Project
Multimedia project consisting of:
As an extension of the genetic-engineering fiction behind Plasticization Clinic I & II, I created multimedia projects-, The GLEI Box: At-home Saliva Toxicant Test, the GLEI Inc. promotional material, the Adaptogenic Supplement Series- Rebirth and Purity, as well as the instagram page, @GLEIinc_themovement. These works redeploy the structural mechanisms of home ancestry kits, personalized supplements, and wellness culture to problematize issues of identity, trust, and privacy. The website, instagram, toxicant test, and adaptogenic supplements, interrogate the aesthetic of “wellness” as seen through social media campaigns, while confronting the run-towards-whiteness experienced by many Americans from immigrant and nonwhite families in America, considering the role of identity in the search for sustainable solutions in environmental discourse. The work provokes questions of privilege, class, and both cultural and biological adaptation at the intersection of identity politics in the anthropocene.
- Interactive Installations- Plasticization Clinic I & II
- The GLEI Box: At-home Saliva Toxicant Test
- GLEI Inc. promotional material
- @TheGLEI_movement (instagram)
- Adaptogenic Supplement Series- Rebirth and Purity (in-process)
As an extension of the genetic-engineering fiction behind Plasticization Clinic I & II, I created multimedia projects-, The GLEI Box: At-home Saliva Toxicant Test, the GLEI Inc. promotional material, the Adaptogenic Supplement Series- Rebirth and Purity, as well as the instagram page, @GLEIinc_themovement. These works redeploy the structural mechanisms of home ancestry kits, personalized supplements, and wellness culture to problematize issues of identity, trust, and privacy. The website, instagram, toxicant test, and adaptogenic supplements, interrogate the aesthetic of “wellness” as seen through social media campaigns, while confronting the run-towards-whiteness experienced by many Americans from immigrant and nonwhite families in America, considering the role of identity in the search for sustainable solutions in environmental discourse. The work provokes questions of privilege, class, and both cultural and biological adaptation at the intersection of identity politics in the anthropocene.