Interactive Multimedia Installation
The interactive installation, Plasticization Clinic, examines the relationship between the caustic effects of microplastics and human evolution. On view at the Lawrence Alloway Gallery at Stony Brook University in March of 2018, Plasticization Clinic presented information on a fictional bioengineering process through sculpture, video, text based work, and performance. Under the guise of a medical clinic waiting room for an invented corporation, GLEI Inc., the installation presented information both factual and speculative about the trajectory of human existence in relation to the amount of tangible plastic waste that pollutes the water supply, toxicants that are released from single use plastics over time, and the startling amount of microplastics that are regularly consumed as a result. Within this speculative-fiction-based installation, I performed as a laboratory technician encouraging visitors to participate in the fiction and share private data: saliva, medical history, and personal information. The saliva was then tested for bisphenol A (BPA) and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), toxicants commonly found in many single use plastics such as plastic water bottles, and paper receipts. Learn more at